Sunshine & Rain.

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samedi 14 décembre 2013


Of all the things I can name as the title, why coca-cola?
"Asal asyik minum coke? Nak mati cepat?"
"Coke jer. Diabetes karang tau."
"Kenapa minum coke? Eee tak bagus lahh."

There's always something wrong about coke.

I'm not going to talk about hypocrites or critics.
It would be just too long and we would reach into another topic. And yes.
They are indeed right in their own reasons. Yes, it's true. I love drinking coke. But why?

It was just a piece of can that costs around RM1.60, which some places hike as much as RM2.00+.
I mean, for such drink to fetch up a price soaring so high? Not worth it.

But why is it so worthwhile to me?
Don't get me wrong. No, I have nothing to do with freemasonry or funding the Jews to occupy
Palestine or whatsoever.

There's nothing really. I just love this drink.

Because everytime I get sad, I know there's always something that could perhaps cheer me up.
I know that maybe if I get myself a drink and two small bars of chocolate I would be happy instead
of being stressed. But the point is, as long as there's caffeine, it is fine. Though I would opt
for coffee to go with chocolates because it is soothing to the texture and both of them can make
you feel relaxed.

I don't what to answer if you see me drink coke. I just love this drink. And whenever I opt for
it, I only know that it would make me happy. If it doesn't go around with other people, it's fine
for me because I don't mind at all. And if you want some, sure why not.

And yes, I stopped taking cigarettes.

I don't know why people seem to like criticising the way of how people are being chilling
themselves alone when it doesn't bother them or endanger them. Unless if he's taking drugs,
you ought to stop him. Or even alcohols.

I'm not defending coke. I'm defending the way we enjoy and cherish our time. I enjoyed my coke
alone. But if my friends are around, we would've shared whatever snacks we had even if it's
as small as your pinky finger. Anything that is good to the taste buds are fine.

Instead, what made me wonder is that people love to criticize things around them. People love
to put certain people into categories which doesn't go in-sync or "going in the flow" with
Making sorts of stereotypes, such as big money spenders, unhealthy guy, geeks and
airheads with weird behaviours and acts. Perhaps they are right, they are like that. But it is
our fault or those who are near to him if he feels lonely and didn't get his bad habits right.
True that parents can build you from home, teachers can wrench you in classes. But friends,
they support you at all times.
"The stupids", "The weird".

It's just simply dumb in nature.

What I'm trying to say is, we always judge people based on what they do or what they look and then
categorised them into a group of the poor, rich, handsome, ugly.

Being materialistic isn't always wrong, but neither it isn't always right. Sometimes when we
look at others as "ugly", we would talk to our friends and influence others to think the same.

But with only knowing them as "ugly", how can we be so sure of that person is someone we know?
Judging only from a negative side of that person? Who knew, he/she could be so kind, would make
a great friend. Who knew he/she could be someone who is fun to be with. We don't know.
People would always judge from a narrow view of that person.

Sometimes people think it's cool to look down onto others, as if to say if they were superior,
smarter or one level above them. They think life should have some kind of hierarchy which
places them being on the top. Those in the bottom would be sinking down to somewhere else.

It'll be easier if I said it like this.

An apple can have a very beautiful look. Smooth, soft and its colours are vibrant. Inside,
we can never know that it's actually rotten. The insides are eaten by insects and worms.

It's like humans. People can have a very beautiful face or a genius brain. But their heart is
actually rotten.

Sooner or later, the apple would decompose by itself. It would look ugly later, day by day.
So does a human. A beautiful without attitude, isn't nice either.

Humans aren't perfect.
But why do you strive to become imperfect? Think.

Asyraf Amir. 20131214.

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