Sunshine & Rain.

. . .

mardi 9 juin 2015


If I could just see you even for a minute.
If I could just hear you even for a second.
If I could just know how are you even less by one millisecond.
I'd cross over the shores.
To kill any of my curiosity.
In my own consciousness.
Not that I am unaware.
Dead by living a life.
Bounded in a dedicated love.

The tantamount feelings.
Being extremely wanting your warmth.
For missing you.
More than one millisecond.
More than one second.
To one and quarter or more than half of my life.
The same songs have been replayed.
Over-thinking of you.
My thoughts are least yet, to be drowned.
Because at least all what I see is the beauty of life.
And without you being there.
Lesser the meaning of life will become.
To my definition of life.

Asyraf Amir. 20150608.


Aku nak bercerita.
Tapi aku malu.

Aku segan nak tulis, apa yang aku rasa.

Library. Tempat yang sejuk, senyap. Tak ada orang nak kacau. Tak ada orang bising tak tentu hala.
Orang pun tak berapa ramai.

Tapi dalam banyak-banyak orang ni, sepi tu ada lah rasa sikit.

Mendalam jugak kadang-kadang rasa dia.


Kadang-kadang aku pun terfikir, ada ke orang faham apa yang aku tulis.
Tapi bila aku fikir balik, itu tak menjadi masalah.

"I think, what I want to think. I become, what I want to become."

Even if it's my pen and thoughts I do secretly want to know what others think. Do they had the same consciousness? And the same thoughts sometimes?

Ah, sial. Apahal rojak.

Sorry. Aku tulis Bahasa Melayu hari ni.
Penat lah jadi orang putih. Haha.

Tapi yeah. Kadang-kadang kita perlu berubah. Asyik berdiri tempat sama, bercakap benda yang sama. Tak seronok lah.

Gua pun hari ni, stress. Tak ada life langsung.
Pergi belajar, baca journal, makan, tidur.

fml. haha.
Asyraf Amir. 20150608.

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